Energy Commission Considering Adopting Efficiency Standard for Sprinklers

The sprinkler is a popular way to maintain a lush landscape, but it often uses more water and energy than necessary. Landscape irrigation accounts for nearly half of California urban water use, about 1.1 trillion gallons of water per year.
The California Energy Commission is working on a proposed appliance efficiency standard for irrigation sprinklers that will help make water conservation in California a way of life. The proposed standard is part of a larger initiative to reduce energy use, water waste and manage the effects of California’s drought.
“It is clear that we need to push the envelope to save energy and water while also ensuring that sprinklers continue to function as consumers expect," said Energy Commissioner Andrew McAllister.
Stakeholders are encouraged to participate throughout the proposal’s rulemaking process. The Energy Commission held an informational workshop earlier this year. A draft report on the standards has been released. Plans call for a revised draft report in the fall with the adoption scheduled for early next year.
The draft report requires sprinklers to control the water flow rate over a specified water pressure range. The proposed effective date is April 1, 2020, or one year after the Energy Commission adopts it.
The standard focuses on the sprinkler and features that combat excessive water pressure, a common issue across the state. Pressure regulated sprinklers can maintain an optimum delivery of water to the landscape regardless of the water pressure.
Adopting this standard could save Californians nearly a billion dollars annually on utility bills while saving up to 141 billion gallons of water per year. The Legislature has directed the Energy Commission to adopt performance standards for sprinkler equipment.
Since 1976, the Energy Commission has adopted cost-effective and technically feasible appliance standards that set a minimum level of energy or water efficiency. This is part of the Energy Commission’s mandate to reduce wasteful, uneconomic, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy, including the energy associated with the use of water.
More about the proceeding is here.