
Planning for More Renewable Energy

How much renewable energy is needed and where will it come from to meet California’s target of 50 percent of its electricity from renewable energy by 2030?

Those questions and others were asked today at the latest workshop on the state’s Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative, sometimes called RETI 2.0 in reference to a similar effort implemented last decade to match transmission lines with the growing use of renewable energy.

Those leading the workshop, including California Energy Commission Chair Robert Weisenmiller, California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Picker, California Independent System Operator Chief Executive Officer Steve Berberich, Natural Resource Agency Special Assistant Saul Gomez, and U.S. Bureau of Land Management California State Director Jerome Perez, heard from staff that the information gathering process is continuing. Proposed recommendations are expected during the summer and fall.

Staff is currently assessing how much renewable energy might be needed, which resources might be important by 2030, how much renewable energy might come from different geographic areas, and how might this forecasted level of renewable energy require additional transmission capacity.

Of in-state resources, possible wind and solar could be developed near Tehachapi, Victorville and Barstow, eastern Riverside County, and the Imperial Valley. Geothermal also is a possible option in Imperial.

See materials from today’s presentation.

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California Energy Commission

The California Energy Commission is the state's primary energy policy and planning agency created by the Legislature in 1974.
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