Public Input Sought on Draft Key Energy Policy Report
Capitol Television News Service interviews Commissioner Andrew McAllister about the Integrated Energy Policy Report. |
The Draft 2015 IEPR covers a broad range of topics, including energy efficiency, the impact of drought on California’s energy system, climate change, and the forecast for California’s future energy supply and demand. Many of these issues will require action for California to meet its climate, energy, air quality, and other environmental goals while maintaining reliability and controlling costs.
Commissioner Andrew McAllister, who is the lead commissioner for the IEPR, held a public workshop on the document Tuesday to receive comments, which could be presented orally or submitted in writing.
Broad stakeholder participation is an integral part of the IEPR, which provides a comprehensive integrated approach to solving the state’s energy needs and issues. All the comments are part of the public record and are considered in developing the report. The proposed final 2015 IEPR is scheduled to be released in December with adoption at the February 2016 business meeting.
The Energy Commission is responsible for preparing the IEPR every two years and the IEPR Update in the intervening year. Among the energy trends and issues included are integrated assessments, analyses and forecasts of California’s energy industry supply, production, transportation, delivery and distribution, demand, and prices. The Energy Commission uses the assessments and forecasts to develop policies that conserve resources, protect the environment, ensure energy reliability, enhance the state’s economy, and protect public health and safety.
Once adopted, the IEPR is submitted to the Governor and Legislature. Policy recommendations in the IEPR inform energy policy decisions that the Governor, Legislature and other state agencies make.