Website Offers Information About Energy Commission-Funded Incentives For Public Electric Vehicle Chargers

Resources are now online to help Californians finance and install electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment at public locations through a statewide incentive project funded by the California Energy Commission.

The California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) works with community partners to develop regional incentive projects to install EV chargers and accelerate the expansion of charging infrastructure. The project, which is being implemented by the nonprofit Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE), currently has more than $39 million in available funding, with the potential to receive up to $200 million.

CALeVIP provides cash incentives to encourage businesses, apartments, condominiums, workplaces, and public agencies to install EV chargers. Property owners and managers, as well as manufacturers and installers of EV charging equipment, can learn how to participate in the project by visiting

“The Energy Commission is pleased to launch the CALeVIP website with the Center for Sustainable Energy, and to provide the public with tools that will help increase access to the charging infrastructure that makes plug-in electric vehicles a more viable option for communities across California,” said Energy Commissioner Janea A. Scott. “Increasing this access is critical as the state transitions to cleaner transportation in order to meet clean air standards and climate goals.”

CALeVIP and its regional incentive projects are made possible through a grant by the Energy Commission’s Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, which supports innovations in transportation and fuel technologies.

CALeVIP supports the executive order issued by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in January 2018 to expedite the rollout of zero-emission vehicles and supporting charging and refueling infrastructure. The project also advances ongoing state efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants produced by vehicles powered by fossil fuels.

The first regional CALeVIP project, which launched in Fresno County last December, offers rebates of $4,000 for single-port chargers and $7,000 for dual-port chargers. CALeVIP plans to support additional projects as funding becomes available.

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