Energy Commission Begins Survey on Vehicle Preferences

In the fast-changing world of vehicle technology, the California Energy Commission is working to better understand the latest vehicle preferences of Californians.
The Energy Commission developed the California Vehicle Survey in partnership with Resources Systems Group. Starting in mid-October, postcards were sent out to randomly selected households and businesses asking them to fill out a brief online survey about their vehicle and fuel preferences.
Information from the 2016 survey will help forecasters and policymakers understand how Californians are choosing and using their vehicles. Energy Commission staff will also use the information to forecast how many cars will be on the roads, how much and what types of fuels will be used, and whether the state’s transportation energy infrastructure is meeting future needs.
The survey was last conducted in 2013. Technological changes in the transportation market, especially in the alternative fuel vehicle market, made it necessary to send out an updated survey to see how consumer preferences may have changed.
Survey questions include the number and type of current vehicles that participants own, how they travel, and the type of vehicles they plan to buy.
Visit the survey web page for more information.